Last Thursday meeting community.
Andre REBUFFET tells the second part of his life: his arrival in Ceylon today at St. Francis of Assisi.
Overall, a change every ten years, and we hold that a sentence:
"Every time for me, the change was a chance for a true renewal."
It would be tedious to repeat all the intervention of Andrew, will resume only when Andrew was two stories in Ceylon:
- "I had to join the Oblate scholastics who were on vacation in the mountains. The road crossed a small river. I do a bunch of my clothes that I throw over the river and I start to cross this river.
But I did not see how the river is high and I am blown away. I mean very close to the sound of a waterfall, I feel that my last hour has come. Then I cried for help to St. Joseph and saw a large isolated rock on which I can pull myself up.
Waiting there, wondering what will become of me. After a time that seemed endless, I see a trail up a group of mountaineers. I cry, they come from. They throw me a rope and save me. They cover me with a sarong and welcome me to their village.
To thank them, I invite them to a religious ceremony, and though they are Buddhist, it's a Mass I will never forget! "
-" Another time I walked with scholastic to the resting place where we had to spend a month. On the roadside, an old woman shouted: "Swami! Swami! I want to be saved: I'm Christian. Nobody looked after me! "
I stopped and it was decided that Scholastic would each day to teach the truths of the Christian faith. At the end of our stay, she was baptized! "
Andre Rebuffet
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