Sunday, June 6, 2010

Number Plate Concealer


Today I received a visitors a recent letter which I quote:

"I felt a sense of sadness
  • Seeing the ravages of age, illness or infirmity
  • And even being unable to recognize a particular colleague has lost sight of years
A feeling of admiration to the "cloud" of people who are in the property and ensuring the well-being of each resident .... "

This letter says exactly the opposite of Leo (see previous blogs). They will think it's a number of duo we do here: Leo wrote and I say the opposite ... then better say it right.

But today I am asked: why , dear Leo, with your usual humor, you see things as positive when a passerby sees a table full of sadness? So I'll try understand this difference of view on this same reality: OUR COMMUNITY.

1. One has only to pass, he saw an "objective picture" you, Leo, you have your story related to that of others. So for you, this is not a "wheelchair" but Henry or Andre. "We we're in! ". We now have a common history.

2. Each of those who pass on seeing one or another of our brothers in distress, as is asked about himself: "And I, will I be like him? "We who live permanently in this confrontation, we see that everyone stays itself deeply in the heart of his illness. There is not a disability, there is a person who, with his personal history, saw this infirmity. So each of us, I think he should first seek reconciliation with his present.

3. Finally, anyone who passes can not find something that really exists and that changes everything: A LIFE OF COMMUNITY!

Leon, once again, you're right

Jean-Pierre Bonnafoux OMI


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