Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beef Chow Mein When Pregnant

With the cooperation of all inter-religious life is built! Whenever

Since late May, and because each religious community has found its bearings, we have engaged on a new dimension: inter-religious life.

Martine, the moderator, has organized two months of play activities varied, but we must humbly acknowledge that we do not participate ... like the vast majority of men in nursing homes. By cons, it has had more success with the preparation of the feast of the nursing homes to be held June 17 That Andre Durand and Leon CINNAMON entitled to a good fidelity, but at the last preparatory meeting, MIRACLE! Eight Oblates were present and he even had to stop Andrew in his recital of "old French songs."

But we will tell you this in detail later!

The preparation of this festival was a boost for the development of our team intercommunity liturgical, with representatives of each religious community.

The first concrete action was the preparation of the Eucharistic celebration of our Feast. Friday, 11 but our meeting IMO Community has been completely devoted to our liturgical life. Many practical issues were addressed and resulted in discussions ... with votes. Finally, we arrived at consensus solutions.

So summarize: time of the evening Mass advanced 1 / 4 of an hour (to allow two religious communities say the evening prayer in their public speaking Community), coordination between the Assembly Speaker priest and Eucharistic the host religious, choice of eucharistic prayers (even if 2 remains the most commonly used to allow our brother priests recite the visually impaired).

It remains a difficult question: how can there not some sort of specialization: Mass at 11am in the morning for the healthiest, the 17.15 for the most disabled?

Two groups of sharing and reflection are implemented:

The first (with a dozen registered es) are together on "THE SPIRITUAL LIFE FOR THE 4TH AGE", the second (with a number roughly equivalent) on "THE CURRENT CRISIS IN THE CHURCH." They get to work soon.

And, within fifteen days, Benedict KABONGO intervene in two weeks to file THE CURRENT SITUATION OF THE CHURCH IN DEMOCRATIC;

Stay tuned ...


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