Friday, January 14, 2011
Community Meeting at 15.30 with our Provincial Treasurer Marc Chatellier. On the agenda: Finance! Those of the OMI of France, those in the financial community and sharing in the Community. To date, 51% of revenues come from financial sharing among members of the Community, and 42% of costs are related to health: doctors, hospitals, exams ...
Note the absence of René Charrier who went to funeral of his sister, and those of John MICHAL and Jean-Pierre Bonnafoux: ultrasound Clinic Protestant CALUIRE (all right!)
Saturday, January 15, 2011

joy for us! There are in nursing homes a diocesan priest is very marked by the imprisonment of her illness. Our Community IMO it occupies as much as we can. It's hard to integrate our Eucharistic celebrations. Tonight, as if nothing had happened - certainly helped - he has chaired our Eucharistic celebration in the evening.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
* Only a few members of our community participate in the parish church which takes place in the great Chapel of St. Francis of Assisi adjacent to the nursing homes. Main reason: the sound for our ears old.

* Joy also for our community IMO! 17:30 Mass was presided by Jo Boisseau, involved many IMO, including Oblates who had not been able to celebrate for some time.
* Leon CINNAMON "berates" his computer that he deletes text he types and disappear mysteriously. Stay tuned! (Note: if you have found these documents on your mail, please tell us!)
Monday, January 17, 2011
* After cheese, different donuts "brucciu" for the Corsican Breakfast: a real treat! George Pizeta - who usually eats breakfast in your room - had to feel as got out of his room with his cane to make English breakfast ...
* Catherine Martin was called for help. Diagnosis: "for someone who has recently started, you're doing well! "(Ms. Martin is a specialist in computer and it is for CINNAMON ... Leon!) * Rene

* This is the day comes home to a hairdresser. : Most of us enjoy ... ut you must register on a long list advance. Because (guess why?) Religious sisters, they, do not forget to register well before us ...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
15h: Like every day, reading the newspaper for the visually impaired. John MICHAL, aided by Rogatien Papion, feels responsible for this service. (Note: this is that Albert SCHNEIDER, within 15 days after our arrival at the nursing homes proposed and conducted the meeting day.)
Few people today because ....

which includes nearly all residents in a snack prepared by Chef Bernard
and also we celebrated the birthdays of the month in which Rogatien Papion which celebrated its 90th anniversary on 10 January.
Many anecdotes about the opening of the nursing homes ... and the "joys" of moving!

Martin, our host, knows generate interventions.

NICOLAS, our Director, spoke to him ... He also takes the difficult beginnings of the nursing homes and delaying the opening of every month!
But he stressed that climate of fraternity that exists today between the residents of nursing homes.
17H30: Eucharistic Celebration OPENING WEEK OF THE UNIT ... In the homilies of different masses (with Andre Durand, Jo Boisseau, Jean Michaux, René Charrier ...) - but also at the table - is often evoked how the week of the Unit is experienced in Haiti, or elsewhere in Maroua ....
Many of IMO Saint Francis of Assisi lived in the deep concern for Christian Unity.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
* 8:30: Council of Community in our small living room of the new Library. Many questions on the agenda in particular the organization of the next dates.
For Tuesday, January 25, Benedict will lead KABONGO our recollection of the month.
* Joy's visit Georges BRISSON especially Andre RIPOCHE with which he takes a meal ... It gives us a wonderful cake to be eaten for breakfast tomorrow

Thursday, January 20, 2011
At the last meeting of Community, everyone was able to express what books he wanted to read. Also, Jo Boisseau, with the help of Marc Chatellier, went to Choulans to bring a shipment of books ...