Friday, December 24, 2010

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The Sacrament of the Sick

Thursday, December 2, celebrating the sacrament of the sick for members of our communities who wanted it.

A previous meeting had tried to tell the difference between the old "Extreme Unction" for the dying, and - since Vatican II - the Sacrament of the Sick "or Jesus comes to give strength to those who are experienced.

Lord our God,

Our brothers and sisters have asked for their weakened soul, mind and body the help of thy grace;

In the Sacrament of the Sick, You gave them the power of the Holy Spirit;

Continue to support:

they remain firm in faith, steadfast in hope.

they can give their families the testimony of courage and peaceful demonstrate, by their peace, the radiance of your love.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Beautiful and simple celebration, according to the testimony of all those who lived it.

KABONGO Benedict presided over the celebration, had chosen the text of the Gospel of St. Mark's 8.22 ... Betsaida the blind: "He took him outside the village" to heal ".

And we, what village our habits we have to leave to receive healing from Jesus? "

A celebration of inner peace for each and every community.

In Lent we will live another celebration ...


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