Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bring Back Habenero Doritos Canada

Just over three months after our entry into the nursing homes.

Yes! Long ago that we've given most of our new ... and yet life goes on ... and growing. Our Community IMO is not only trying to find its footing as a Community IMO but also "invent new ways of community relations.

start with our Community. There are individuals and the community.

The People?

For most disabled among us, we live in the moment, in the immediate present: we must accept that today (with the expression of many physical and mental suffering) does not match yesterday (a real internal and external peace, the joy of communicating with other fraternal) ... or vice versa. And that can vary from one moment to another, I think especially to my brother Andrew Courjal gives us all a wonderful testimony of fraternal love and faith in Jesus Christ even though he suffers intensely.

By visiting other older religious communities (to lead spiritual retreats) I think the grace of our Community - Loïc MEGRET paraphrase - that is actually being confronted with the suffering of others: we can not be insensitive when the cry of the Other we reached the heart. Then I think of things that were unimaginable three months ago.
Example: On Friday, as almost weekly community meeting. After a while, Andre Courjal rises visibly distraught. Behind him, a hand comes down again and caress him gently in his chair with one hand from someone who seemed completely locked in his inner pain 3 months ago!

And in the care of people, we recognize the skill and delicate attention of staff. This allows us to play complementary and reciprocal respect of functions. This also allows us to live an active compassion but because distanced, we do not destroy.

The Community?

Virtually every week we have a community meeting. These meetings the Community were led by Albert SCHNEIDER, Jo and I BALL. For half an hour we listen to one of us about his journey and we seek to learn from to build our community charter. With Marcel

Ayrinhac creating Jec Joc and Ceylon, we asked about the possibility of having a social engagement in our community and our concern extends to our attention to hotel staff and caregivers.

With Jo Boisseau, we rediscover that "God always does what is good for humans. He gradually discovers. Slowly he opens our eyes. For nothing is impossible with God "Hymn for Vespers of Easter.

With Andre REBUFFET, we believe that, whatever the place and time, we must remain faithful to the call received.

(Admittedly, it would be interesting for you to have their stories and not only our conclusions community ... but there it is!)

And then the word is given freely to everyone who want to express themselves. And things are called the most varied: from the need toothpaste to comment on the liturgy or concrete proposals. And finally concrete info.

Our Community lived a highlight of Monday, May 17 to Friday 21 May with the visit of our Vicar Provincial in responsibility for "old". His visit was primarily active consultation with members of the Community for the appointment of Community Council members. For me, the Community Council is really a priority I will try to be as clear as possible. The start of the nursing homes and our community has not been easy, of course, we had everything in place. I was taken often enough to express the structures involved (both the nursing homes that Province) critical remarks, sometimes very strong. Even if I keep track, there was no question for me to carry the weight to the whole Community, so I could see that some of us individually and then take my responsibilities. Surely I must seem like a hypersensitive enquiquineur and in so doing, my word is devalued. With a group (the Council of Community) the Word of our community find a real strength.

In principle, our Provincial, Yves CHALVET of RECY, June 8 will be the official opening of the Community and I hope he can officially install our Community Council.

But we also contribute to inter-communal life. While we may regret that, despite the efforts of Martin, the host, few of us participate in fun activities on offer.

Three sheets were circulated in the community where those who wanted could sign up:

MAKE A TEAM OF INTER-LITURGY Jo Boisseau, Jean-Pierre Bonnafoux

  • Community Life 4th age: Jo Boisseau, Loïc Megret,
  • Spiritual Life of the 4th age Jo Boisseau, Loïc Megret, Pierre Babin, Andre Durand
  • Life Missionary 4th age: Jean Michal
  • current crisis of the Church: Leo Cinnamon, Jean-Pierre Bonnafoux
  • Marcel Ayrinhac: the Catholic Church in Laos and Buddhist religious rites
  • Jean-Pierre Bonnafoux: the network of diocesan health Lyon
These leaves now circulate in the other communities ... and other subjects or interventions will also appear.

There was also recently on May 21, the official inauguration of the nursing homes: the Cornerstone thanked all the authorities which have made possible the opening of the nursing homes Saint Francis of Assisi. Where Ministers

Elected ... There will be 17 June Day by Martine residents prepared with the collaboration of many: the musicianship of Leo will finally speak publicly. And all our friends and family can participate at one time or another!

is life as it has, and it is LIFE!

Jean-Pierre Bonnafoux

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sudden Gush 3 Weeks After Birth?

Balbzioui Yassin - guest artist in July to Assilah

Balbzioui Yassine, Plastician Pluridisciplinaire artiste né au Maroc, vivant actuellement à Bordeaux, sur le mur peindre the Galerie Monassilah à the occasion of International Moussem Assilah in July.
Balbzioui Yassin has exhibited several times in Europe and Africa.
He recently participated in the Biennial of Contemporary African Art Dakar - Dak'Art OFF

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How Much Does Skiing Cost In Colorado?



Throughout summer exhibition exuberant and rich colors on the facade and the street

Daily from 10h-13h / 16h-21h


OPENING Wednesday, July 7 at 19h

FRESCOS of Mohamed El Wahhabi , Martin Lartigue and guest artist: Yassin Balbzioui


ARTIST Guest of honor
Besides the artists already present at the gallery, an artist will come from France who exhibited many times in Europe and Africa:
Yassin Balbzioui

ARTISTS exposed


Ahmed EL Mourabiti

Wahhab Mohamed EL

Thibault FRANC

Isidore Krapo


LATIF Mohamed


Oscar Lopez

Sunday, May 9, 2010

What Does An Abnormal Mri Look Like

Group Exhibition March 27-June 30, 2010

Within this group show many Moroccan and foreign artists are exhibited: Wahhabi Mohamed, Ahmed El Mourabiti ; Anuar Bedraui ; Oscar Lopez , Martin Lartigue , Thibault Franc , Isidore Krapo , Mona Liaras .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Lab Designed To Test Cellular Respiration

Simple questions, no easy answer!

We all agree management, nurse coordinator and our Community IMO: the meals are very important moments.

We all want:
  • the most disabled are helped to take their meals in the best possible
  • there is no question of making tables "ghettos" where are concentrated the most disabled among us, risk of a terrible silence during the time of the meal: the IMO, we hope that there is always at least one of us (unless disabled) to a table of most disabled.
  • should facilitate the work of nursing assistants (and especially at night *) and we can disperse more disabled
The problem is that the main dining room is super full and it will take the "free" on a dining room schedule, smaller side.

No easy solution. The Director and Nurse Coordinator will try evolving practical solutions ...!

But now, most of us with disabilities start their meal half an hour before the other, later joined by those who have less difficulty.

Yesterday, the Community IMO reflected together on these issues and realized ... there is no easy answer!


* Normally the aides in the afternoon finish at 20.30, but many times, they remain beyond!